Penetration testing is a crucial step to ensure your network and devices are protected and secured as well as you think they are. All industries, practices, and procedures should be tested with real-world entry/infiltration scenarios. Penetration testing is ideally done by a trusted impartial third-party so that results can be reviewed objectively and steps taken to remedy any findings.

Be cautious of other I.T. companies that offer a “free security analysis” for your systems. You wouldn’t give some random accountant the keys to your safe to count your cash receivables and give you a “report” – the same applies for your computer network. Do not give-out your administrator password or allow a company who is biased to review your security parameters. I.T. companies that use this approach can be classified as predatory – because they often use fear tactics and potentially unscrupulous methods to seek your business. An unknowing client could make a decision out of fear and end-up with an I.T. company that actually puts revenue over security.

We use penetration results to help secure areas that need work. We don’t hold those solutions as “hostage for hire.”